1) In terms of the move towards Public Services Boards - Here in the Hywel Dda UHB area,  partners are already moving at a pace to transform our well established Local Service Boards into the new Public Services Boards. The work of the UHB is already aligned with the SIPs developed by the LSBs and the University Health Board supports this direction of travel, and are confident that it will add strength to senior leadership across the public sector.


2) On a practical note, the University Health Board welcomes the 6 well-being goals, but it is at present difficult to see how the bill can be legislatively enforced.  We do see opportunities to strengthen the Health Impact Assessment approach as part of the process, however our preference is for a gateway type process going forward, rather than a simple checklist approach.  Such a gateway process would allow greater scrutiny at all levels and by all sectors.


3) Clarity is needed to ensure the correct 'Public Health' voice is present on the PSB. The UHBs all have a DPH in post and a public health team in place -  and they can be the link to central services PHW,


4) The University Health Board supports the merging of the LSB/PSBs, so as to enable co-terminosity with Health Board footprints.  We believe this would be a positive move and enable stronger commissioning and planning discussions.


We hope these comments are helpful at this stage in the Bill development.